Friday, December 16, 2011


Abi said that when you guys did this last year, you could screen capture, crop and then use the screen capture to post the picture.

In this project, it was really helpful to increase the contrast. I used a lot of cropping so that the picture was more obvious. I also had to transform the image so that I could turn it on its side or at an angle so that the letter would be right side up. Some of the pictures, I had to mess with the vibrance and saturation so that some of the colors wouldn't be so unrealistic.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Keely - Staged Vignette

For my staged vignettes I took a series of doll pictures with tea cups. 
I wanted to give my pictures and eeire effect or mood to them so I turned
down the saturation becasue the pictures already had a warm lighting to them.
I didn't really like this project very much. I guess I didn't like the subject matter.
And my blogger wasn't working so nina had to post this for me.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Staged Vinettes

I shot Legos for my staged vinettes. To edit them I changed the brightness and contrast. The white balance was also off because I shot inside so I adjusted that too. I croped some of my photos so the compostion of my photos would be better.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


I chose to do a dance series for my stobe, because it gave me a lot of opportunities to capture really interesting motion. I experiemented with the brightness/contrast, and played around the the saturation to see what combination would show off the stobe lighting the best. I thought adding a little color into the photos would add some interest and give a little more feeling and movement to the photographs. After I finally started seeing some results, I began really enjoying strobe lighting. I plan on shooting more in the future for fun, hopefully gaining some new experience and ideas from this project.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


For this project, half of my pictures included macro shots so that I could include more texture. In the more scenic pictures, I increased contrast and bumped up the levels so that the pictures would be more vivid. Depending on the picture, my choice to apply the rule of thirds varied to better represent the subject I was photographing.

Staged Vignettes (:


My staged vinettes were pretty simple to make. I adjusted the brightness and contrast to make the photo more appealing. I used the spot healing tool to take away things that werent needed it the photo. Also, I cropped photos to make it a better composition. Lastly, I adjusted the saturation to boost up the colors.

Thursday, December 1, 2011


so these are my staged vinyets. I did it based of of lego star wars. I used my macro lens and zoomed in to get a lot of detail. after that I Cropped and edited them. i basicly just messed with the brightness/contrast, and the hue and saturation. I hope you like them :D



I kind of did two themes for my choice. One was kind of a fall colors theme, and the other was just photographing a boquet of roses for fun.
For my fall series, I played around a lot with adding multiple layers and changing the opacity of each. I used masking to make sure the colors had a good contrast.
For the rose pictures, I played with the brightness/contrast, I burned the rose a bit in the second picture, and played with the curves on each picture.