Friday, August 31, 2012

Day 8

Quick Quiz

Printing Cyanotypes

1. Polaroid Transfer Border
2. Demo on how to turn a digital image into a negative.
3. Print Digital Negative to 5550 printer, transparency for paper type.
4. Make cyanotype:
       Glass Proofer
       Watercolor Cyanotype Paper
       Transparency Negative (if you have text, make sure it is not upside down)
       Cyanotype Paper
       Expose under sun until paper turns white
       Rinse under cold water
       Dry flat on dryer

5. Studio 1 begins printing for SPATIAL Project
    5 prints
    Long Depth of Field

6. Studio 2 & 3 choose website or CD portfolio option. (ALL NEW WORK)
    12 breadth pieces (showing understanding of various techniques/display)
    12 pieces that follow specific theme

7. EC Shoot pix at 1st home game tonight for Yearbook
    Faculty Candids
    Student/Superfans/Athletes/Band/Flag Core/ Cheer/Dance/etc.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Keely - Project Post

Dear Ms. G (:

You told me to post this as a reminder for you.
This is the first shoot I am doing. The reflections are going to be how the person really sees themselves. I will be incorporating mirrors and transparencies. 

My non-traditional display that I will be working on for awhile is:
The text will be the people's fears, worries, woes, etc.

Wootwoot!! :)

You guys should keep doing sketchbooks because they make you look more creative if your majoring in ANY type of art! Also if you take an art class you'll have to do one. Just saying :)