Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Power of Place

For my power of place project I wanted to take pictures of Madison because that's where I would like to go to school. I wanted to make it from the persepctive of where I am in my life right now. I am a senior in high school and I am looking at colleges for next year so these are my options or paths I will be taking next in my life.

My Traveling Object Idea

For my 1st project in Photo Studio1 i was thinking to do a traveling object project. The object I was thinking about having be the traveling object would be my running shoes. I would take my running shoes around to places that i have ran before and then take a picture of them at a location like that. I really think i can do alot to make these pictures look great and really neat. - Jacky Rowe

Power of Place and Sketch Ideas ;)

Power of place: I like the idea we came up about speech, I'd probably do like a collag-ie type of thing and multiple layers and I have some ideas involving like photograms and maybe even a trasparensy. But I figure I can use some old note cards I have from impromtu and my old scripts from duet acting.

Sketch ideas...I don't really know what theme I should do. I'm kind of open to whatever. I have tons of ideas floating around but I don't really know what theme I want them to revolve around, if that makes sense. Mrs.G, I'd be willing to do whatever. I looked at your list and there are several that seemed interesting. Finding the theme in my opinion is the hardest part, so yeah. I'll keep thinking of themes and let you know when I come up with something.

sketch book ideas

street art


I think I would want to do is bible/religion. It will show how it has effected people over the years through the powerful verses and by the lessons that are taught in the bible.

Power of Place

i am doing the pressures of being the oldest in the family and family in gerneral. I can portray this by using old and new photos.

Sketchy Ideas ;) and Traveling Object Ideas

I would really like to do kind of a take on shoes, but more looking at the idea of how your shoes reflect where you've been, where you're going, your personality, the occasion to which you're going, that kind of thing. I would really like to try and do this as an actual sketchbook rather than digital. I hope to include words and do a lifestyle or look at each person and also groups of people and commanalities between them.

For my traveling object project I have no real idea what I want to do yet...

Projects/Sketchy Book Ideas

Potential Project List:
Strobe, Reflective Self Portrait, Transparency/Projector Overlay, Extreme Close-Up, Art History, High Motion Photography, Old Hollywood, Silhouettes

Sketchy Book:
5 Senses

Traveling project Idea

I want to do a traveling object (I'm not sure what object yet, perhaps an alien, stuffed animal, a cat, who really knows) and I want to show the object in different scenes

Ideas for Sketch Book

I think doing something using a lot of color would be really sweet. like combine all colors for a 'rainbow' look and then combine different things for a certian color for certian pages. But use of all color for the whole thing though - Jacky Rowe


For sketchbook I'd love to do like...a big city theme. Like Chicago specifically. I'd like to show all the business and people along with the large buildings.
I don't really have a whole lot of other ideas that weren't posted but a journey through life type thing might be cool. Sort of like day-to-day life. Work, school. Interesting perspectives of things we see everyday.

And I'd like to do an actual book. Not photoshop.

Pip Sketch Book Idea

Travel/Trasportation-I love traveling and all of the different ways we get where we need to be are very interesting...

Sketch Idea

My sketch idea is Life and Death and I wanted to show stages of like what you expirience through the journey of life all the way until death

Book idea

Jackson Polock style splatter of paint, faces, places etc... photoshop and manual

Xander Martin- Sketch Ideas..

I was thinking about doing something close to nature and conservation. Maybe like sticks leaves and vines .. etc.. Then maybe mix in old english letters... Wax stamps and peppermint ink on old fashion papper. I could rip it up and kind of randomly glue the peices of papper so you can see the writing but not know exactly what it says. And then have dead leaves or something like that on it... It's still just an idea in the works... so it will probably improve for the better.

yay photo (:

Power of Place: taking pictures of me in my house from my childhood and doing a sort of "before and after" of them. holding up the old kodak photos and taking a picture of the picture and what's around it.

Sketchbook: pattern, silhouettes, broken, masks/facades.

Sketch Ideas

I am thinking my sketchbook theme will be "perspective" or "windows/doorways" or "truth/lies"

btw: Hunter is doing "people" for his theme 5th access

Other ideas for students:
walking in someone else's shoes
awkward moments
teenage mutant ninja turtles-jk
verses of poetry/bible, etc.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Abi's Power of Place Ideas

I don't have very many ideas for this one, but I have a few. My mom worked at my elementary school so I grew up there and so that would be one I could do. Or even my church because it's really important to me. I wanna keep thinking about it though to see if I come up with something more interesting.

Paul's Power of Place ideas

So.. Im thinking about making my power of place at my grandmothers house cause its kind of empty now since she passed away. I was thinking about making this my power of place because when I was younger I used to stay there alot when my parents were at work, so I kind of grew up there half my life. So that place means alot to me.

Another idea for my Power of Place project would be a campground I go to maybe two times a year with my family and friends. That place means alot to me because its something I love doing and something Im going to do for the rest of my life.

Pip's Story Progression Ideas

A day in the life...

Depression... A Journey into sadness

The road to addiction