Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Power of Place and Sketch Ideas ;)

Power of place: I like the idea we came up about speech, I'd probably do like a collag-ie type of thing and multiple layers and I have some ideas involving like photograms and maybe even a trasparensy. But I figure I can use some old note cards I have from impromtu and my old scripts from duet acting.

Sketch ideas...I don't really know what theme I should do. I'm kind of open to whatever. I have tons of ideas floating around but I don't really know what theme I want them to revolve around, if that makes sense. Mrs.G, I'd be willing to do whatever. I looked at your list and there are several that seemed interesting. Finding the theme in my opinion is the hardest part, so yeah. I'll keep thinking of themes and let you know when I come up with something.

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