Thursday, October 11, 2012

Day 33 Thursday, 10-11-12

Any work past 1 week late will not be accepted from here on out.
Any reworking needs to be completed no later than 1 week from our consultation date.
It is your responsibility to show me your revisions.

Equipment Forms missing = no checkout or studio use :/

Monday, October 15 Project: 1 sketchbook spread due 

Tuesday, October 16: Project 3 Midway Critique
    print whatever you have on the KONICA printer to present 
    TRAY 1 THICK 1

Project 3 due Monday, October 23
 S1: Alphabet (A-M): Edit all of them to be consistent
       You can record action, automate and batch a folder of chosen images.
       You can add a gaussian blur and mask to make letter more visible. 
         Link 1

   S2: HDR shoot (Overexposed, Underexposed, and Correct Exposure)
         Link 1   Link 2

   S3: 6 Strobe: Maddy
         3 Pictures Infrared Film: Ben & Mackenzie
         6 Infrared Digital: Nina & Ian
            Infrared Tutorial           

         Future: Polaroid 10 pack 

   S4: In the Studio: High speed action/abstract        
Next Shoot due Tuesday, October 23   50 shots at least
   S1: Alphabet (N-Z)
         Link 1

   S2: Staged Vignettes (needs to be a story)
         McCarty link
         Patrick Nagatani link-car excavations
         Mariel Clayton link-barbie

   S3: Future: Polaroid 10 pack-POST IDEAS before I let you borrow Camera

        ALL S3 : Transparency Projector Project/ART HISTORY
                 Use your own pictures-NO GOOGLE
                 Old family portraits/slides

   S4: KEELY In the Studio: Shadows
         Create a handout-refer to Project template
         sign up sheet for shooting in the studio (calendar)

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