Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Abi's late traveling object ideas

I had the idea to use a stuffed animal of some sort. I was gonna use this lamb I have but decided that the beanie baby bear would give me more color to work with :)

project 4 idea

flightless bird is a continuation of the selx exploartion ive been delving into this semester. it revolves around a caged bird concept of being alright with the fear of brancing out.

project 2 idea

this is late but the theme of this project stemmed from an idea of perfection. the more chaotic looking the better it will be. its a before and after of myself. almost like plastic surgery. i want things in the background, body sizes and equations to show that im altering myself to seem more attractive.


subtle retouching

Monday, April 25, 2011

Power of Place Idea

This is like 3 months late but just so I'm not missing it anymore...my power of place idea WAS to go shoot at my barn because it has a lot of good shots available and it has a lot of feeling and nostalgia that I could portray in a project. The natural light is good and theres a lot of good photo ops.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

flightless bird;

How can you fly with broken wings?
How can a caged bird ever sing?
You don’t even try to get them fixed…
you’re so comfortable in your brokenness.
For this series I tried to evoke a sense of complacency. I went about this in a nontraditional way of dealing with a somewhat morbid idea. I am a flightless bird too afraid to take flight but I’ve grown to be comfortable in my fear to the point of satisfaction. 

shadow of a person;

Monday, April 18, 2011

photographer project -

For my final project, I chose the photographers Jeanne-Claude and Christo. (and if you've ever seen the Verizon commercial about coverage, where the buildings all get covered with orange fabric, that's them.) I chose to do this project because so many people are completely focused on themselves and their lives that they miss the obvious things around them. If you shift your focus from yourself to those and the world around you, you'll gain so much more from life. To present this project in the art show, I'm going to print the picture of just Kelsey, then print the picture of the sheet on an overhead, and attach it so you can move it to reveal Kelsey.

While shooting, I set up a tripod and shot a picture of Kelsey without the sheet over her. Then, I covered her and shot another one. I put the two pictures together and I changed the opacity of the layer with the sheet to reveal Kelsey under it. I adjusted contrast and tritoned these pictures because I found that the colors really distracted from the theme.


Mrs. G I decided to scratch the license plate thing b/c the sculptures I was gonna show you don't really make too much sense. But I had two other ideas that I know I'm gonna forget to tell you tomorrow...one is the example I found - I don't know how practical it'd be but one of my ideas was to put a picture as a background inside of (cheap) aquariums.

The second idea was to print photos on transparancies and stick the transparancies onto mirrors. I don't know how that'd look but I need your input on how practical these would be...porrrr favorrrrrr.

Traveling Object

My traveling object was my fish maverick. I cropped my photos to make my pictures fit into the grid. I also masked some of the pictures to make the lines look better. When I was shooting I took a close up filters and shot my fish. I changed the brightness and contrast in my photos to have vivid colors in my photos.

Traviling object

So this is my traviling object... i used a teck deck witch is a mini skate board. as you can see i used Dept of feild. I had to Crop most of my photos for the grid. I Desaturized some of them to make black and white then used a layer mask to highlight some color in the black and white photos. I also used a Filter on one of the photos.

Traveling Object--Katie Palacios

For my Traveling Object, I took my Duck, Ke$ha, to St. Thomas with me. In the last photo, I tried to use texture from the sand, to make Ke$ha stand out. In the third photo, I used lines from the hammock to create more depth. I also used long depth of feild to create a deeper depth in the photo, and also to make Ke$ha the center of attention. I also used the rule of thirds. I hope you enjoyed traviling with me to St. Thomas, and looking at all of the wonderful things that happened!

Anna's Traveling Object--Little Person, Big World

For my traveling object grid, I used the landscape mode on my camera to create different depths of field. By zooming in on the subject and making the background blurry (short-depth of field), I created emphasis on the little person. In the picture of the person on the drain, I used geometric shapes to form a pattern and add balance to the print. I also tried to use the ruel of thirds and different camera angles to make my pictures more interesting.

Traveling Object

When started my traveling object project I was kind of in a bad situation. I was on top of the Willis tower and saw this great photo opp. I didn't have a subject so I decided to use something that I use every day and take care of. I shot the photo on the top right at the top of the Willis tower on one of the SkyDecks. In this project I used high contrast and a short depth of field to capture detail in my subject. I choose black and white because I believe it relayed the project with more emotion and style. When editing in photoshop I adjusted the tone and the saturation of the photo, to get the best pop. When shooting this project I tried to use various point of views as much as possible to capture the best composition.

hannah's traveling frog

For my traveling object, I took this frog around Wheaton. I used different points of view to make the compostions different. I increased the contrast to make the frog stand out more. I also cropped the images so the frog was the point of emphasis in all the pictures.

Abi's traveling object

When shooting this project I made sure to use different angles to make the composions better. To make my grid look more interesting I used different editting techniques to make the collage as a whole more interesting. I messed with the saturation in some and changed the contrast, this way I had a better point of emphasis. I really enjoyed this project, it was cool to make all of the pictures be different because of where they were shot but, also tied together with my bear. 

Pokemon Adventures

Ok so this is my traveling object :3 Pokemon for the win >:O!!!
So basically for this, I did a lot of close ups.  I really didnt have to edit any of them besides just transforming them and just cutting away un-needed extra space. Some of the pictures were blurry so i had to redo them Because Mrs. G said they were even though i thought they werent >:I RAWR RAWR RAWR >o<!!!!
Anyways, i got rid of the blurry ones and replaced them. <.< happy Mrs. G!?

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Abi does Claire's tutorial



hey all. so I found all these cool sketchbook ideas and Mrs. G told me to post the links sooo here they are..


staged vignettes

"They Killed Kenny!"

I shot these with a really low Depth of Field and I tried my best to Focus on the characters, I staged snow by using my white blanket. when I edited the pictures I edited the Brightness and Curves to emphasize color