Tuesday, April 5, 2011


For this project, I shot Little People in different settings based off their outfits / the people the toys portray. I shot all the pictures using a short depth of field so the background would be blurred and the toys would be the main focus of the pictures. When editing these pictures, I changed the brightness / contrast, and I also lowered the saturation on some of the pictures. For the mechanic and safari pictures, I cropped them for emphasis.


  1. i love this :) I like that all the people are the same, it ties all the pictures together. great idea to put them in their own environments! one suggestion is that you maybe could have shot the cow and farmer on grass, which would have changed the foreground up a bit from the other pictures. otherwise your project was really well shot!! good job :)

  2. Katie, I love this!! It makes me super happy :)
