Monday, April 18, 2011

Traveling Object

When started my traveling object project I was kind of in a bad situation. I was on top of the Willis tower and saw this great photo opp. I didn't have a subject so I decided to use something that I use every day and take care of. I shot the photo on the top right at the top of the Willis tower on one of the SkyDecks. In this project I used high contrast and a short depth of field to capture detail in my subject. I choose black and white because I believe it relayed the project with more emotion and style. When editing in photoshop I adjusted the tone and the saturation of the photo, to get the best pop. When shooting this project I tried to use various point of views as much as possible to capture the best composition.


  1. Evan! I loved how you used an iPhone 4 as a Traveling Object. My favorite photos are the ones taken either outdoors or surrounded by more organic type things, because you can see the contrast between now and then. The Black and White was also a very nice touch! it makes the iPhone pop with the bright apple surrounded by the black backing of the phone. Great work!

  2. oh evan. you are just too artsy for the rest of us. love youu!
