Monday, November 28, 2011

dumb imposibilitys

So this is my imposiblity's project, I didnt really enjoy this project as much as I  hoped to but oh well. In most of my photos I adjusted the brightness/contrast. I also used the selection tool to select things in and out of the photo. I used a layer mask on the last photo to get the eye balls to apper. Also messed with the hue and saturation.

Friday, November 18, 2011


These images all involve dramatic locations and a quote from a famous philosopher: Henry David Thoreau. Thoreau’s quotes are perfect for these images as all of them rely heavily on nature, and Thoreau was a romantic environmentalist. I used a radial blur on the first and last images to draw focus to the text, all of these pictures have an extremely long depth of field, giving more meaning to the famous words. The second picture was taken while I was riding my bike, a very natural experience. The motion blue of the image is mirrors in the mirror effect I incorporated into the text. These pictures encompass my environmental views in a meaningful way.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Ian's Choice Project

For my coice project I chose to shoot the 4 elements because that is my sketch book theme, and i find this subject interesting in photography. for many of these i had to crop to create more focus on the subject. i changed the contrast of some to give the color more depth. For one of the pictures i put together all the elements, i had to use the move tool and crop to have it flow, i changed the hue/saturation to correct the color.

4 Elements:





Monday, November 14, 2011

Free Project- Jacky Rowe

My free project actually was an intresting project. I thought i would do the 'Hear No Evil, See No Evil and Speak No Evil' I really enjoyed shooting this project though it was suppose to be for my social commentary, it didnt quiet fit the criteria. I really didnt edit the actual picture but i wanted to change the back rounds of the pictures to more of a artistic senery. There all from my road trip home from utah. Theres one from Anolope Island Utah, and St. Marys Lake. and The westernpart of Colorado with the start of the rockeys. I wanted to incorrperate all the pictures becuase they were fun and pretty.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Choice Project

For this project I desaturated all the pictures. After desaturating them I used curves to adjust the brightness and contrast. Of course there were some dark spots so I used the burn and dodge tool to lighten and darken some areas. That was really all I did


These are my impossibilities. I used the transform tool to make jackee smaller or larger and to rotate her as well. I also used burning and dodging tool to ground the subject. I used the lighting in the stuido to create a look that was suited to the photo. Lastly, I used masking to take out objects that I didn't want.

Abi's Impossiblities

For this project I had to get creative when it came to shooting and points of emphasis. I didn't do very much with the pictures. I adjusted the brightness and contrast a little. I also used different angles when shooting to get different points of view, like the picture of Haley jumping in cereal, I took it at a high angle. I did alot of revealing and concealing in this project as well.


I shot most of these in the studio of just Kelsey and then I used the selection tool and put her in another picture I took of Chicago.After I selected her I had to feather and smooth. I used the transformation tool to make her larger or smaller in the pictures. Most of the background pictures didn't need much editing I changed the brightness and contrast of the photos so the background from the studio were whiter and the backgound of Chicago wasn't so dull.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

/ impossibilities

Hello Mrs. G & fellow classmates (:

This is my impossibilities project. I had a hard time doing this project because I am not a fan of the whole "photo montage effect". But after working on it for awhile I got more into it. (Lesson learned: always keep an open mind). For the two water glass pictures and the candle picture I edited them by sliding the picture of the ocean, jellyfish, and silhouette and using the select tool to slide that picture into the other one. I then turned down the opacity of the fill in picture to however much I thought right. After this I went to edit > transform > warp. This was my first time using the warp tool and I found it very interesting. The warp tool always you to manipulate an image by twisting and turning it to fit a certain way. For my other picture I really took an outside of the box approach for this project. The theme behind it is that there are so many people who try to change their appearances to be "perfect". The impossibility in it is that no one can be perfect- it's impossible. Thank you for viewing. - Keely

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

social commertary (better late than never)

Tis is my social commentary, i took these pictures while in washington D.C. the first picture represents a exposed goverment, with all the lies and corruption plain for the would to see. the second picture is of an statue in front of the treasury department. i inserted the sign "don't feed the pigons" which represents the overspending in washington and that the goverment needs to go on a diet. the thrid picture is of an bust of george washington, a symbol of goverment, going down a rapid, illustrating the govermantal turmolt. i used the clone stamp and blur tools to insert this statue without creating an disturbance. the last picture is of a sign that says "please protect our lawns and borders" in the white house lawn. representing the focus of goverment. i lowered the oppacity of the sign to make it blend into the background.