Tuesday, November 8, 2011

social commertary (better late than never)

Tis is my social commentary, i took these pictures while in washington D.C. the first picture represents a exposed goverment, with all the lies and corruption plain for the would to see. the second picture is of an statue in front of the treasury department. i inserted the sign "don't feed the pigons" which represents the overspending in washington and that the goverment needs to go on a diet. the thrid picture is of an bust of george washington, a symbol of goverment, going down a rapid, illustrating the govermantal turmolt. i used the clone stamp and blur tools to insert this statue without creating an disturbance. the last picture is of a sign that says "please protect our lawns and borders" in the white house lawn. representing the focus of goverment. i lowered the oppacity of the sign to make it blend into the background.

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