Monday, November 7, 2011

Haley's Social Commentary

My social commentary was fuel dependency/rising gas prices. I did this topic because I think it is really prominant today in our society because we all know how much it sucks to have to fill up our tank.
In my first picture I cropped the pictures to focus more on the individual forms of transportation and played with the saturation of the pictures to show how we have gone from the simplest ways of getting around to a way that costs us tons of money and is hurting our environment.
In my second picture I used multiple different pictures and overlayed them into each other using masking so I wouldn't have just one point of emphasis. I played with the opacity again as well on this one.
I really like my third picture because I warped the numbers to look like they were wrapping around the pump and changed their hue to make them green to represent money.
For my fourth picture I warped the Shell sign to try and signify the corrupt dependency on gas and how the oil companies are bending us to their will. Don't know how I feel about the green hue again...might change it...

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