Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Social Commentary

People used to listen to live music and now, you can just listen from your iPod or watch a concert on TV.

People used to do work by hand and now, you can just imput the numbers into a calculator and it can do all the work for you.

We used to write letters to friends, family, etc (in cursive) and now, we just send a text, IM or message through a social networking site (and cursive is no longer taught).

We used to use the environment around us to tell time by the sun. We used to be able to survive without the use of technology by using nature - moss and shadows to tell the time and direction. Without technology, you'd be completely lost.

Technology is seriously replacing people. Looking at all the above examples are hardly scraping the surface. People used to go out and fall in love and now, they have websites that  tell us who to love. We even have machines making machines. It's affecting jobs and economy but not always in a good way. Everyone needs to learn how to rely a little less on technology to tell them when to wake up, to tell them when to go to work, to do their work for them and so on.

Some pictures of this project took more editing than others. For the top pictures, I upped the contrast a lot. I also turned up or down the brightness depending on how I took the picture. I then made the pictures black and white.

For the bottom pictures, I upped the contrast and played with the levels to make the photograph seem a little more intense, maybe even give it a bit more of an intimidating mood. I also accomplished this by playing with the hue and saturation.

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