Friday, February 18, 2011

claire's power of place idea -

my power of place project is sort of hard to's also going to be my alternative display, like a 3d thing. you can sorta see in the bottom picture I posted. I'm gonna take pictures of the outside walls of my house and stand them up, so it's like a mini house but no roof. also I'm going to take wide angles of my room and put the pictures inside. so the front walls will be laying down and inside I'm gonna put themed cubes of things that are important to me, like the ones in the picture. so for example one cube will be friends, one will be music, etc. I'm really excited to shoot for this and I hope the concept comes through to people.


Andy Warhol -

Tiny Town Photos--Katie Palacios

Andy Worhall Pop Art

 Random colors
 Cool Colors
                                                                        Warm Colors
                                                            Complementary Red and Green
Color Wheel

Andy Warhol Pop Art--Katie Palacios