Monday, February 14, 2011

Abi's 321

The Women Project
3) JR really wants to show the women who are ignored and passed by in everyday life. He feels very strongly about poverty and used the women’s eyes to show the emotions and struggles they go through. JR blew up the pictures and posted them on buildings, stair cases and trains to show the poverty of the town and the women who are heroes in that life all together.
2) I am really inspired by his creativity and passion to shot this controversial subject. I also am really inspired by the women he used in the pictures. They really tell their stories through their eyes and I love that he only really blew up the pictures of their eyes. He focused on one area to show all the women bonded together.
1) I really want to do my social commentary on eating disorders. I know how I want to shoot it; I have an idea that is inspired by The Women Project. I feel really strongly about eating disorders. Being someone who had one I know how hard it can be to get out of that habit. I would make sure that my pictures are appropriate and aren’t too controversial.

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