Tuesday, February 15, 2011

3...2...1... BOOM - Evan

3 Things I learned,

-Lewis Hine was a big activist in the child labor laws and he attempted to photograph the hard times kids were going through in the factories that they worked.
-Started around the early 1820's with the child labor laws and the fact that no one believed they existed.
-Showed to the world that these companies were bad and what was really going on in factories during the booming time of cities.

2 Things inspiring,

-I found really inspiring that Lewis Hine went to the lengths to pose as an fire inspector in order to get the shots of these children heavily guarded.
-He went to great lengths to show the world what was really going on through photography.

1 Idea,

My idea of my social commentary would have to be addiction. I find it so interesting how people obsess their day over things and many people would pass in a instant. Hopefully I can bring out these minorities and bring a new light to them.

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