Thursday, May 10, 2012

Choice from 4/26 (didn't even realize it was due)

For my choice project I decided to shoot on my Bronica. I shot black and white Illford 400 film and scanned them in on my friends scanner. I never crop medium format photos, because I love the look of square. For all of these photos, I created compositions where a lot of things are going on. In the first one I wanted to incorporate the foreground in some of the picture so the skate trick would be easier to look at. In the second picture I liked the broken windows on the building and the giant telephone pole so a framed the pole against the sky while still getting the building in the shot. In the third photo, I wanted the depth of field to lead your eyes to the subject in the photo and not at the boxes or walls. In the 4th photo, I used the rule of thirds to frame the subject a tad left of the rest of the scene. In the last photo i used i shadow to darken the subject but have him be on the right side of the sun. It created contrast in the photo.

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