Wednesday, May 9, 2012

CHOICE: Macro- After the Storm

For this shoot, I used my dad's macro lens which I really liked shooting with. I took these pictures right after the storm that happened on Saturday ( I think...) I also have never shot flowers, so I thought this would be a good opprotunity. For these pictures I used a short depth of field, even though it was already really close up I wanted to show smaller details. To edit these pictures I changed the contrast and brightness, I normally edit my photos more but these one's I wanted to look natural. I also used a little of the curves tool to make the pictures colors better. Along with that, I used the dodging tool to brighten up areas of emphasis, and used the burning tool to make parts of the areas that werent in focus darker.

1 comment:

  1. I love the COLORS in all of these photos and how soft and relaxing they look. I also love the drops of water!
