Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Day 68 May 1

I need help with proofing (names & pix) the following Yearbook pages:
Way back when
Stu Con

Those of you that did not turn in a photo with your display lay out (due Last Friday) will not have guarenteed space at Art Show.

However, you can still turn it in for partial points. I need it printed, NOT posted to the blog.

Your CD Labels were & EC Experimentals were due due Last Friday-submit for partial points.

Making labels & Attaching to work.
Series can have one title.
Only Seniors will have a large name label.
Others that have work to fill at least 1 board (those who turned in their layout Friday) can print a small statement describing their photographs.

When all your work is labeled and ready to hang:
Wrap in White Butcher Block Paper.
Label outside with Sharpie:
  • SENIOR, Junior, Soph, Frosh
  • Name, Period
  • Class (Photo Studio 1, 2, 3,etc.)
  • Attach copy of display (not my copy).
Due Wednesday:
Print Xchange Info-this is a grade for those of you I have listed. I need you to copy the template & put your own  pictures in. Save & Copy and Paste into the DropBox by Wednesday.

Senior Studios: No Shoot, Sketchbook & Experimental Printing

All other: Last Shoot due Wednesday, May 9 50 shots.

Due Friday, May 11: CD Labels Printed for ALL

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