Monday, October 31, 2011

Abi's impossibility proofsheets :)



For my advertisment project I decided to do TOMS. I used gaussian blur and the Hue and Saturation  to boost the colors. Also I used the brightness to make some of my photos more appealing. Also in one of my photos I used threshold to make a black and white effect to my Ad. Lastly I used filters to make some of the photos effects more defined.


For my advertisement project I decided to do jewlery. I shot a well know jewlery brand. For my pictures I shot in the stuido. I did selective coloring to all my photos I wanted the blue to really stand out from the background. I added a gradient map to the background of my photos. After the gradient map I adjusted the brightness and contrast of my photos. I wanted my background to be white and not an off white so it wouldnt distract from the blue and the jewlery. I also had to use the stamp tool to erase some spots I saw.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

( Note: read this description in a British accent... or get Sean Evans to do it for you. )
Hello photo class (: This is my advertisment project. I chose to advertise vans shoes, clothing, and accessories. I chose vans I had a lot of fun with this project because for me there was a lot of creative freedom. For my pictures I did collages or photo sets. Much like other vans ads I have seen. I shot with my regular lens and a fish eye lens for this project. For my photos I tried to shoot at a variety of different angles. In all my photos I adjusted the exposure and contrast levels to fit the photograph. I also turned down the saturation because that is just my signature effect. (: ( PS. there might be more sets to come! )

Abi's Advertisment:Converse

I really enjoyed this project because I really like being able to control the lighting and such. For this project I took most of my pictures at a worms eye view. I also took all the pictures so that they were a little overexposed. I also adjusted the brightness and contrast in all of the pictures. Also the exposure in a few of them to make the details more vivid.

In this advertisement I wanted people to see that anyone can wear converse. By having all the pictures portray different personalities  I wanted them to show the different styles of the shoe and the different personalities from rocker, to average joe, to the hipster. Although the styles can be extremely different, but they all have converse in common.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Pip & Megan Ross Dettman Pic

1. Was the backlighting intended?

2. What kind of camera did you use?

3. What kind of lens did you use?

4. Did you edit this picture?

5. If so, what did you do to it?

Five Questions

1. What type of camera did you use for this picture?

2. How did you become an ESPN photographer?

3. Who is your favorite profesional athlete to shoot?

4. Did you take photography classes in highschool?

5. Are you an athlete?

Abi and Haley's Ross Detman Picture/Qs

We found this in his places pictures. We think they are really cool and they are visually intreguing!
Q1-What kind of camera do you use?
Q2-What's your favorite subject matter to shoot?
Q3-What photographer inspires you?
Q4-When did first become interested in photography?
Q5-What's your favorite photograph you've ever shot?

Brandon Paul - Keely and Nina

1.       Did Brandon Paul contact you, did you contact him or did you meet through some sort of median or representative?
2.       Is there a deeper meaning behind this photograph?
3.       What type of lighting did you use to create this effect?
4.       What type of editing/techniques did you use if any?
5.       What draws you to take pictures of athletes’ portraits?

JLO and KLEW Questions and Picture

What were you trying to portray?
How is this boy significant to you?
Do you only take still shots or do you take action shots as well?
Where was this taken?
How did you edit this?
What type of lighting did you use in this photo?

Seanie E and Paulie G's questions!!!!

Why is he holding a bow and arrow? Isnt he a NFL and MLB star?

What was the purpose of shooting this photo?

How much would this type of photo cost?

When was this photo taken?

What is the point of contrasting the bow and arrow with the nice clothing?

Ian and I would like to ask about the one Crown Point baseball.

1.) What sort of artistic elements did you intend to add to the picture?

2.) What is your purpose for this photo?

3.) Why did you include the things that you included in the photo? (Players, bats...etc.)

4.) What settings did you use on your camera for this shot?

5.) Is there any aspects of this image that you did not intend to be included? (for better or maybe for worse)?

From Xander... And Ian... too...ish

Mackenzieeeeeee and jackyyyy!!

We really like the hockey player picture with the guy named Drew Macintyre, a goalie for the Chicago wolves.


1.) What brought you into the world of photography for sports?

2.) What kind of story are you trying to tell in this picture?

3.) What camera did you use in this picture?

4.) Did you try to empahsize on the tatoos in the picture?

5.) What is a photographer that you admire and do you base your work off of one?

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

10-26 Agenda

Hi class,

I'm out sick today :( but you should have plenty to work on (sketchbooks, projects, shooting, etc.)
However, I forgot that Career Day is Friday, so we will not be working that period.  Everything is moved back a day-oopsies.

Top Priority: ESPN Photographer Ross Dettman will be visiting us Friday. Please check out his website.  He will give a brief background intro, but it is ESSENTIAL that you have questions.  We do not want awkward silence.

You need to do the following prior to my return on Thursday:
1. Check out the website:
2. Work in groups of 2-3.
3. Pick a specific picture that you would like him to explain how he shot/edited it/purpose etc., so I can e-mail him in order for him to bring it.
4. Please have 5 questions/topics ready.
5. ALL groups must have different pictures/questions.
6. Save this as a New Post on the blog with the picture link, 5 questions-that way other groups will not repeat.  Please indicate the people in your group on the post too.
7. Therefore working quickly and efficiently will allow you to post first whereas other groups will have to come up with different pictures/questions.

We should take advantage of this time we have with Mr. Dettman.  He is a very busy photographer and has been published in many magazines.  We are fortunate that he has taken time out of his schedule to visit us.  He is a professional photographer. Seriously.

Have a great day! I will miss you all...

Mrs. G

Monday, October 24, 2011

social commentary redo

So i was thinking of doing something with the pollution or the idea of poverty.... leaning on pollution but still considering poverty... probably pollution.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Jacqueline Logan read it!

I read it.

Abi followed directions

So Megan's account is the only account that comment so people are commenting on her and their legit, she's not doing it for them. I read the thing and I'm posting it!! GOOOOO PHOTO!!!!!! Have a good weekend!!! :D
I read toooooo! But it wouldn't let me comment

Read the agenda!

I for sure need to reshoot. All my social commentary ones were taken with my cheap camera and now that I have yours I feel like my photos will be better shot now.

PS I read the agenda but it won't let like anyone post on it.
I read toooooo! But it wouldn't let me comment


I read your post.. it doesnt let me comment for some reason

Stupid thing won't let me post...

So I read your post Ms. G. It just won't let me comment. So I'm posting.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Bokeh Abstract- I think I'm gonna reshoot

Agenda for 10-21 Friday

Hola super studio,

Here are some things you should be working on...

Studio 1: re-evaluate what you shot for social commentary- many of you may need to reshoot in order to fulfill the project. Try googling social commentary art, I also added another link to the soc. Comm. Word document- reshoot this weekend, edit

Studio 2: Edit ad project, think about impossibilities project ideas

Studio 3: edit current project (Sean- I forgot your project idea, Megan- Harris effect)

ALL: working hard, no drama, no FB, start sketchbook for next Friday, think about photo show display concept.

Toodles studio. GoooooPhotoooo!!!
COMMENT oN THIS POST so I know that you checked this like you were supposed to :D

3, 2, 1 Reflection

3 things I learned:
1.   I learned that social commentary in photography is meant to inform people on a certain topic – earlier social commentary consisted of immigration and industrialization.
2.   As early as 1866, Thomas Annan used social commentary to inform the rich how the poor lived in such slums. He raised awareness.
3.   Émile Zola highlighted the conditions of the working and middle classes.

2 things I’m inspired by:
1.   In David LaChapelle’s photographs, I’m inspired by how soft the strongest colors can be. It almost makes the look older.
2.   Also in David LaChapelle’s work, I love how he takes pictures of situations you might see day to day but the way he takes them – angles, colors, softness of the pictures – makes them seem bold.
1 idea I will research, pursue, and shoot for:
1.   I think a social issue that would be interesting to shoot is how people get lazy and expect technology to do the work for them. People used to do things like math by hand, now done by calculators. People used to go out and find love, now they use websites.

HDR befores

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


So I couldn't figure out how to put my original pictures on here but then someone told me the 32 bits wouldn't upload so I had to change them but my version of photoshop isn't compatible with the photoshop at school so my pictures wouldn't open so I'll post my before pictures tomorrow. So for my HDR photos I had a very difficult time with this projects. My pictures all came out very blue for some reason even though I changed all my settings and even my white balance, so I just tried to work with what I had. For most of my pictures I changed the curves in the photos to add more contrast and then I also changed the color balance to try to get it to a more normal color. I also had to change the gamma and the exposure on all of my pictures. Although this project didn't really work out for me I still really like it because seeing how everyone else's pictures turned out and how they were supposed to look made me wish mine had turned out that cool, but oh well you win some you lose some. Thanks for looking at my photos!


For this project I mainly just did a little bit of cropping to create a better composition. I used curves to up the contrast and change the brightness, I also color burned greens and browns to create a different color for a different look/feeling.








This is my HDR photo project. I followed the HDR instructions and edit all of these in photoshop. I shot these by Brackting my photos by using 3 different Shutter speeds. Then I edited them a little in photoshop and saved them as a PSD file and then changed them to a 8 bit channel. after that I adjusted the gamma and exposers settings. after all that I ended up with these photos. I hope you enjoy them.