Thursday, October 27, 2011

( Note: read this description in a British accent... or get Sean Evans to do it for you. )
Hello photo class (: This is my advertisment project. I chose to advertise vans shoes, clothing, and accessories. I chose vans I had a lot of fun with this project because for me there was a lot of creative freedom. For my pictures I did collages or photo sets. Much like other vans ads I have seen. I shot with my regular lens and a fish eye lens for this project. For my photos I tried to shoot at a variety of different angles. In all my photos I adjusted the exposure and contrast levels to fit the photograph. I also turned down the saturation because that is just my signature effect. (: ( PS. there might be more sets to come! )

1 comment:

  1. These are awesome! I really like these, it looks like a real add I'd see in a magazine! Great job!
