Thursday, October 20, 2011

3, 2, 1 Reflection

3 things I learned:
1.   I learned that social commentary in photography is meant to inform people on a certain topic – earlier social commentary consisted of immigration and industrialization.
2.   As early as 1866, Thomas Annan used social commentary to inform the rich how the poor lived in such slums. He raised awareness.
3.   Émile Zola highlighted the conditions of the working and middle classes.

2 things I’m inspired by:
1.   In David LaChapelle’s photographs, I’m inspired by how soft the strongest colors can be. It almost makes the look older.
2.   Also in David LaChapelle’s work, I love how he takes pictures of situations you might see day to day but the way he takes them – angles, colors, softness of the pictures – makes them seem bold.
1 idea I will research, pursue, and shoot for:
1.   I think a social issue that would be interesting to shoot is how people get lazy and expect technology to do the work for them. People used to do things like math by hand, now done by calculators. People used to go out and find love, now they use websites.

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