Friday, October 14, 2011


Three Things I learned:
1. "Some of the earliest users of photography used it as a means of documenting social ills as a way of informing the upper classes of society about the needs of the poor"
2. Lewis Hine's photographs were an impetus in promoting legislation to restrict child labor and through his efforts society was forced to recognize the injustices and eventually to address them with appropriate laws.
3. "Photojournalism has developed into a respected academic discipline and universities teach both the practical and the ethical aspects of it as a business"

Two Things That inspire Me:
1. The rawness and colors of the photos
2. The passion of the photographers behind those pictures

One Idea I Will Research, Persue, and Shoot For:
1. How judgemental people are to people who are different. I chose this because it affects me greatly and I feel no one has the right to judge someone else. I want to show that even though you feel you're not judging someone the reality is that you are.

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