Monday, October 17, 2011

Bokeh Project JTR

For my Bokeh Project i really expieremented with the usage of using the bokeh. For the first picture i took the original picture and duplicated the layer and then made it black and white and made the opacity hint a little bit ofcolor in it so it still had a little bit of the color still in it. For the next one i really used alot of saturation and played with the hue alot to distort the color. Then i added different layers of different bokeh projects to make it have a busier effect. I added to the picture a glowing edge to some the circles to give it an outline effect. The third one i had taken a picture of a bench on the praire path and thought it looked neat. So i decided to add a black and white bokeh layer on top of the picture to have more of a dreamy effect to the picture. I took alot of the opacity of out the picture so the layer with the bokeh circles was not over powering the picture. Picture no4 is one my favorites. Its colorful and very distorted. I added so much saturadtion and put a solarization filter on the bubbles to give it a scientific ameoba look. My last picture i posted is the same picture at different angles and vertical flips, horizontal flips, and size differences. I really emphazied on the dots and making some a blue tint and a warm tint. I really had fun making this one becuase i got to expierement on different styles.

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