Friday, March 25, 2011


traveling object:
bringing an ornate picture frame around and showing different "works of art."

abstract / bokeh

For my abstract pictures I mainly focused on trying to take my pictures from interesting angles and perspectives that I normally wouldn't take them at. I also incorrpurated a short depth of feild. I tried to keep my pictures of simple objects so that it wouldn't be to complicated.

Editting Happy Trigger

Evan's Pentool tutorial

 My Photo Wave [yet to post still...]
 Photo Editting Trigger Happy [i look up effects when i'm board]
Shannon- Charcol
 Shannon- Color effect
 Halftone Dot effect
 Johan [stole his picture] - Water Color Effect

Anna's Glowing Lines

This was fun, but really difficult. I think it could get better with practice.

Anna's Basket Weaving Tutorial Try

I think next time I'll make sure there isn't a black square in front of my smile, but I think this turned out well, over all. It was surprising simple, kudos to Tabby.
Happy Spring Break, Mrs. G!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday, Tabby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anna's Project Ideas

Traveling Object: Little person around the house and city.

Spatial: Would either of these pictures below work?

Traveling Object Idears

1)take a little figurine and have it travel through town, through different homes, like on an adventure and then make it back home.

2) Take a pokemon figurine and have it travel outside its poke ball and travel all around on an adventure and finally come back home to the poke ball.

traveling object

Im shooting a traveling object over break. Im staying here for break so mine will be all around Wheaton. Im not sure what I am shooting yet but I have a week to figure that out.


Me and Megan are doing a collab project. We're using newspaper to build a Japanese-themed dress using newpaper atricles about the tsunami. It's gunna be a social commentary type of thing.'s gunna be super cool. And life-sized.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Traveling Object

My idea for my traveling object project is going to be rather simple but also telling a story. At the moment I don't know what I'm going to use for the main object but I have the story that I'm going to try to tell. During break I'm going to be downtown chicago and I'm going to try to show different parts of the city and what Chicago has to offer to everybody.

Pauls Abstract Bokeh

so I thought i did pretty good with this project. I didnt really get it so much in the begining but I think i got the hang of it in the end. I really dont know if my insense burner is really abstract but i put a filter on it to try to make it look that way.. So my bokeh is good i think i messed around with the brightness and darkness with them and the Hue and Saturation of them. I also combined a long exsposer photo and a bokeh and i think that turned out well so ya thats my project.

Traveling Object/ Narrative

My idea is to carry my fish around in a bowl for narrative and for traveling object

Traveling Object idea--Katie Palacios

I have this transparent rubber duck with pink and purple glitter on it that my Mom got for me mid-late January. It was a day where my mom called me in so we could have a mother daughter day. I was even called out of choir. We dressed up, took the train downtown, and realized we had about 2 hours before the show. We went shopping at Bath and Body works in the station, and that's where I got the duck. We then went window shopping a bit, ate, and enjoyed "The Mikado" at The Lyric Opera Of Chicago. It's a meaningful day for me, seeing that my mom travels a lot and it was really nice to have a day all to myself with her enjoying great music.
This Spring Break, I'll be going to St. Thomas (USVI) and would love to do a traveling object in the paradise of the islands, and the urban side as well.

staged vignettes (more tomorrow!)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

power of place pictures -

I'm going to use pictures like the top ones for the sides of my 3d power of place project. I've made a cube of pictures of my family, including the second one and I'm going to make a cube of friends as well, then one of books/music.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Katie Palacios--Abstract

For this project, I used a short depth of feild for the abstract photos. I wanted it to be so close up, that no one could reconize what I was photographing I also tried to use a Worm's Eye View for another perspective on the photo. for Boceh, I focused in on one light, then stepped back for a long depth of feild and to blur the focus, making the lights look like floating dots. I tried to use a Bird's Eye View to make it look different than others.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

sketch book idea


sketch booklet

pop culture of ______.
color vibrance.

sketch book;


Sketch Book

Time Lapse
Night Life

Tabby's Ideas

Asian Culture/Good
Ethnicity of the world
"BackYard" Adventure

hannah's sketchbook

some ideas for the sketchbook that i like are...
walking in someone else's shoes
im leaning towards doing something about walking in someone else's shoes because it sounds cool and i have a few ideas.

college church art fest

Abi's sketchbook ideas


Monday, March 14, 2011

Mrs. G: Sketchbook Ideas

I am thinking my sketchbook theme will be "perspective" or "windows/doorways" or "truth/lies"

btw: Hunter is doing "people" for his theme 5th access

Other ideas for students:
walking in someone else's shoes
awkward moments
teenage mutant ninja turtles-jk
verses of poetry/bible, etc.

sketch ideas

For my book I'm going to do classic beauty: like black and white images and stuff like that....
feel free to give me any ideas because mine is super vague

Social networks

so my projects was on soical datting networks and just social net works like facebook and eharmany

Sketchbook idea

Time, memories, biblical passages

claire's sketchbook ideaaaa -

language & culture

SKETCHBOOK #1: Title Page

Please post a sketchbook theme idea.  Please be broad.  We will be using mixed media (paint, markers, newspapers, magazines, your pictures, etc.) for the skecthbook. 

We will be combining your best pages near the end of the semester using the Japanese 5 stitch method.

#1: Think of this as a TITLE page to your sketchbook
Our first sketchbook assignment needs to include using primarily words in magazines and other art media to depict our theme.

1) Fold a sketch sheet of paper in half.
2) Find interesting forms in magazines.  If you cannot find ones that relate to your theme pick organic or geometric shapes.
3) Find words that relate to your theme.
4) Begin arranging found magazine items.
5) Start cutting magazine findings out & arrange (maybe not glue yet).
6) Once you have decided where things will go, glue before applying art media.
7) Build art media around shapes to fill negative space.  (watercolor/marker/chalk pastels)
8) If you find areas that are empty or need transitional pieces, add your own handwriting to combine the mixed media elements. 

Start by Wednesday and finish by Monday at the end of class. (You may find that you need to do another.)

I have included some ideas for you to combine. 
Try to use more words in your composition versus images-you will focus more on images later.

Book Theme Ideas

- 5 Senses
- Urban Art
- Tourism (leaning towards this one.)
- etc. I'll add when I think of them  :)

Abi does Anna's tutorial



pip triggs show!

Anna's Book Idea

My Book Theme: Ties to Nature/Returning to Nature

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Hello Studio Photographers :)

I've been browsing through some of the recent projects and I have to say that these look pretty impressive for high school students.  I plan on going through and commenting more this weekend.  My only overall suggestion is that you revise your reflection/summary/statement about your work.  Also, I highly encourage you to comment on one another's work.  I created a superstudio blog so you can see everyone's work.  Although many artists often get caught up in their own world and ideas, remember that it is important to give and receive feedback on your work.  What you post now is not the end of your work.  You know that you can always make adjustments and resubmit.  Often times what we think we are portraying based on a plan in our head is not exactly what is being communicated or portrayed through the work.  Try to be comfortable sharing and commenting.  This should be a safe, respectful environment where we can gain multiple perspectives.  This will lead to a deeper and more meaningful understanding of your own artistic journey as well as help you gain an appreciation of other styles of photography. Monday:
Comment or reflect on 5 people.  Make it meaningful and insightful. Be honest and tactful. 
1) Reflect/how it made you feel
2) Make a connection/reminds you of/etc.
3) Areas of strength & suggestion for improvement/what if you...

I have also included a link where your photographs can help feed the hungry.  Check it out:

For each breakfast photo a user uploads to the Web site
the Kellogg Company will donate a breakfast to a child who might otherwise go without. The project is part of a national advertising campaign for Kellogg called Share Your Breakfast, which will support National Breakfast Day on Tuesday.

Period 2:
Remind Haley T, she owes $6 and to get off tumblr and tell Judith (since she probably won't check this-lol) she owes $4 and today is the last day to register for the AP Portfolio and to talk to Mr. Cekay if she is still planning on doing it.

Period 5:
Tell Zain if he does not have homework, can he mix darkroom chemicals? Darkroom keys are in the binder on my desk.

Good luck and help the 2s!  Keep the peace and NO DRAMA please ;)

Please make sure all studio lights and flash trigger are off. 

Have a great weekend!
Mrs. G

gritty experimental


Here are my four examples of my tourtorial on how to make a gritty picture while adding emphasis to the eyes. I ran out of pictures with people's eyes in them, so two of the pictures don't have the eye emphasis. yea....