Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Social Commentary--Katie Palacios

Real communication has really been lacking ever since texting started.
I wanted to portray how there are so many more layers under texting that we often forget or take for granted.
I watched my sister do everyday things communicaton wise and realized that she does all of the things that helped make texting. From having a face to face converstation, to sending an email.
I asked if I could take photographs of her and what she was doing. She agreed.
I took all of the photographs from over her shoulder, so it looks like you are the one talking, writing, dialing, typing or texting. I then layered them toghether and lowered the opacity, showing that a face to face converstation is the most hidden, while texitng the most dominant.
As you see all the photos one by one, I'm hoping that you'll realize how much we've hidden through texting, and how--maybe--a face to face converstaion may just be a bit better.


  1. katie! i really like the angle of the first picture you took. i like how you can lexi's face in the picture (:

  2. I like how you show the evolution of communication it's an awesome idea. I also like how you can see its better talking face to face than facebook.

  3. Katie, I like your project! The last picture is my favorite, and you improved it so much from when you showed it to me last! It helped a lot to mask out the distracting background of the kitchen and made it easier to focus on the different means of communication. Maybe you could take that a little further, and anything else that doesn't directly relate to your theme could be masked out. (for example, I can see a chair and a door on the left side that are a little distracting.)
