Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Social Commentary: Beautiful Pollution

What I tried to portray in my Social commentary was to show that pollution may be all around us but pollution can be beautiful. My pictures show colorful images to portray beauty in pollution.


  1. Kelsey Lewendksiadkaidki... I really like your third photo down the colors are almost surreal and the reflection in the gas makes an awesome picture! I also like how the oil is the slightest bit out of focus and how in some of the images the spill is in black and white compared to the colored pollution.

  2. I thought this was a really cool idea. I agree that pollution can look beautiful. I like the mix of color and black and white prints. I think that the print of the can in the river might have a stronger effect if you select the can and make it the only thing that is colorful; it would really pop that way.

  3. kelsey!! i really like your project. the first one is my favorite because of the contrast between the colors and background. i agree that making the can in the last photograph the only thing in color would add to the picture.

  4. sup kels, I really like your project. It really puts a spotlight on how pollution is always seen as an ugly thing when there is beauty in it as well. I really like the colors of the oil, they really pop out and catch your eye. for the spills though, maybe you could have focused on the oil instead of the tree in the reflection? it would give it more detail
    nice job kjew

  5. Kelsey,
    Good topic of choice. It shows the seriousness of today's pollution and garbage problem. I love how you made the colors of the oil stick out from the background which makes it all pop. I liked the target back in the tree, but I really love the oil stains. Keep up the good work.


  6. Kelsey-Target bag reminds me of American Beauty (where the boy films the bag blowing in the wind). I really like the beautiful compositions that really show the juxtaposition of nature and the surreal, flowing oil spill. 1, 2, and 3 are the most cohesive. You may want to explore those types of photographs more. Also, please elaborate on your editing, so we can understand your process (like were the oil colors altered/enhanced?)
