Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Power of Place / Cross Processing

For the Power of Place, I shot pictures from my barn. The whole barn is moving away down south in a few weeks, so the nostalgia was extremely easy to capture. I used some backlighting, some short depth of field, and I adjusted the brightness/contrast, and I changed the curves because I did my cross-processing experimental. (2-in-1! :)  )


  1. i realllly like the cross process effet gives your photos- it does capture some sort of nostalgia. you can tell this location means a lot to you by how you managed to capture every aspect. the picture of the hat with the sun shining in from the window is my favorite. you played around with the lighting really well and it looks really nice.

  2. I really like the angles you shot from and the lighting you used. These two techniques really emphasize the nostalgia you wanted to caputre and make the prints look professional. I definitely felt as if I was at the barn, looking at some of my favorite things.

  3. Your first phot is by far my favorite. I really like the de-saturated cool color look that this photo gives off. Love the texture in the wood and the slight vignette.

  4. 1) This made me feel like I was seeing something truely important to you! It gave me a sense of nostalgia and importance.
    2) I love that you made all your pictures connected by using the same technique throughout and also by staying on one subject and not jumping around.
    3) I love that you find several ways to show your idea and have many different angles and subjects to show your overall theme. Maybe you could try to crop in different ways to create a more interesting picture. I flat out LOVE this SO much Megan! :D

  5. I really like the colors in all your pictures, they create a new feel to the photograph. This place is so beautiful and you really depicted that in all your photographs. Good work (:

  6. I love how your colors look in all your photos. i really like the 8th picture it really stands out. excellent work.

  7. so many comments...I'll just have to leave another.

    haha but I really really enjoyed your project, Megan! I could tell just by looking that you LOVE every part of this barn. the way you composed the pictures with multiple subjects really showed all aspects of the barn. the way you edited every picture the same gives unity to all your pictures.

  8. i really like all the different angles you used in your photos. i also like the way you edited them and how the color really stands out. the 8th picture is my favorite because of the different colors.

  9. 1] I realllllllly like all your pictures. #1 if def my fav
    2] This reminds me of my aunt's barn and all her horses, which was one of my favorite places as a kid.
    3] I reallyyyy liked your use of backlighting. Can't wait to try out your tutorial on how to do that!

    wow. that was such a rule-following post.
