Monday, March 14, 2011

SKETCHBOOK #1: Title Page

Please post a sketchbook theme idea.  Please be broad.  We will be using mixed media (paint, markers, newspapers, magazines, your pictures, etc.) for the skecthbook. 

We will be combining your best pages near the end of the semester using the Japanese 5 stitch method.

#1: Think of this as a TITLE page to your sketchbook
Our first sketchbook assignment needs to include using primarily words in magazines and other art media to depict our theme.

1) Fold a sketch sheet of paper in half.
2) Find interesting forms in magazines.  If you cannot find ones that relate to your theme pick organic or geometric shapes.
3) Find words that relate to your theme.
4) Begin arranging found magazine items.
5) Start cutting magazine findings out & arrange (maybe not glue yet).
6) Once you have decided where things will go, glue before applying art media.
7) Build art media around shapes to fill negative space.  (watercolor/marker/chalk pastels)
8) If you find areas that are empty or need transitional pieces, add your own handwriting to combine the mixed media elements. 

Start by Wednesday and finish by Monday at the end of class. (You may find that you need to do another.)

I have included some ideas for you to combine. 
Try to use more words in your composition versus images-you will focus more on images later.

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