Wednesday, March 9, 2011

T²’s Social Commentary

Ok, so my social commentary is kind of all over the place. The first four are mainly on about the world. The first three pictures is just an example of corporate america, how factories have taken over production of farming and having farms go out of business, leaving Most of the nortern part of the US, cities and high concentrated areas of people have factories then natural farms. The fourth picture is about how we say "Lets save our planet! We share it and take of it!" But then we have crap of garbage and really dont put effort in "sharing" and "taking care" of the planet. Way to go Starbucks, way to lie :D el oh el moment.
The last picture is basically representing the gragmented photographic mind. We surround ourselves that will help us make us feel better, to get through something, whether its chilling at a coffee shop with a cup of coffee, listening to your music, or reading a book to lift your spirits up to get away from reality.


  1. I love what you did with the color selections in your prints. Well done editting. I am a HUGE fan of your last picture; the idea you represent with it really hits home for me, as a coffeshop/poetry lover :). One small suggestion:In your collage at the top, it's kind of hard to see the factories. I think that if they are your main focus, then you should zoom in more on them and a little less on the tree.

  2. 1) This made me really think about pollution and all the things that are incorporated in it.
    2) I like that all of your pictures were connected together in the sense that all but one had color emphasis.
    3) I really like how you made each picture different but also connected with the emphasis. Something maybe to work on is less photo a.d.d. maybe try sticking to one subject and developing a new way to represent it. I liked all your pictures but they didn't really all fit together, you went from factories and farms to trash and a coffee shop. I like all the pictures but I don't know if they all make sense when put together. Overall good job though Tabby! :D

  3. i really like the relection photographs. the way you took out the color looks good. i like your last photograph but i also think that the editing takes away from the purpose of the picture.

  4. i like the reflections as well. it was a good way to portray that. I don't really get the last photo how it fits into your social commentary and your description is kind of confusing as well. So yeah

  5. Your reflection photographs are really awesome! I really like the foggy, poluted feel that i get from the first one. You did a great job depicting these photographs, good job!(:

  6. Tabby-I have to say that Abi nailed it when she said "photo a.d.d." Great ideas, but too many concepts-which you were aware of and stated in the description. Reflections were aesthetically soothing/balanced, but the factory pix are too far away. The starbucks double/multiple image collage has a lot of depth and is clear in it's message. You may want to pick one idea to focus on in order to have a more cohesive and concise body of work for this project. btw, i really like starbucks
