Thursday, March 10, 2011

skin & bones;

My skin & bones project is one i really enjoyed putting together. I was inspired by this weird back of the head shot that had an overlay of a skull on it. It just got me thinking about the rawness behind every individual and how we all share the same structure. Strip me down to skin and bones and we're all the same...

To edit this I played around with selecting and masking. I did black and white so blending and opacity changes would be more subtle. 


  1. I really like the lighting on my picture and how you set the subject so off center the negative space has a strong affect on the entire composition.

  2. this is so interesting. I really like what you said about everyone sharing the same structure, it's so true. we are all made the same and then go our own ways to become our own person.
    the way you overlaid skulls onto these faces gives an almost sinister feel to them.

  3. I think that the dark background is successful in making the portraits stand out. However, I think that the skull is hard to see. You may want to lower the opacity some more. At first glance, it almost looks like makeup-clownlike (which is sinister and creepy to me).
