Wednesday, March 9, 2011

hannah's social commentary: fast food nutrition

For my project I chose to show how fast food can affect you. When people start going to McDonald's or any other fast food restaurant all the time it really starts to weaken your health. While doint this project I learned that around 60% of Americans are either overweight or obese. I also learned that 40% of the meals we eat are out at restaurants. These photos show all the different health risks and nutritional facts about these unhealthy restaurants.


  1. i really like your topic for this social commentary. you portrayed the fast food issue very well - i did a whole project on childhood obesity once so all the statistics are really frigthening and with all the different fast food chains in that one picture you get that overwhelming senese of almost guilt for eating fast food. the only thing i would possibly change is to not have them so perfectly set up in a grid.

  2. This is a really interesting topic to both contemplate and look at. I like what you did with the scrabble board and the hamburger on the scale. Those were really orginal ways to depict your subject. If I were to suggest one thing, I would maybe make the word "obese" in color on the scale, so that the concept really hits viewers.

  3. 1) This is always a good topic to do a social commentary about. It makes you realize how much fast food we really do eat.

    2) This really easily connects with everyday life, because all of the things you shot are all around us.

    3) The bright colors really add to your project. The first one is really cool, at first I only noticed the 'obesity' but then I noticed all the rest of the words. My suggestion would be for the last one - the idea is really cool, but I think instead of the emphasis on the food, you should emphasize the 'obese' on the scale. I think keeping it all black and white, and having the burger/wrapper in the center of the scale would impact the viewer a little more.

  4. 1) Hannah this really made me think about the health risks and dangers in fast food. In particular the one of the before and after with the blurb.
    2) I love that you were able to connect positivity and negativity. Like with the picture of the hamburger getting eaten. You had it say I'm loving it, but you also had it counting calories per bite.
    3) This is a great idea for a social commentary and I love that you had several different ways to portray your idea. Maybe try making all your pictures uniform though. I like that 2 had several pictures in them but maybe try having all have color emphasis or all have a gritty effect. I really liked this! :D

  5. Hannah!!! Omgsh yours is so great. I love the perpective that you had for fast food. It makes you think about the fast food and how much we eat and not realize what we are doing to our bodies. I would agree with megan for the wrapper it could be in the center of the scale would impact the viewer.

  6. I really love the concept you did with the "i'm lovin' it." photo. that's a really intersting and original approach to this (:

  7. Hannah, I loveee your project! I think it's interesting how you faded the nutrition facts into the picture with the sign, it really brought focus to the healthiness of the restaurant. I agree with Judith, maybe if you didn't set them up perfectly in a grid it would be more interesting to look at.

  8. Hannah,
    I love the concept to your SC Project. It depicts the problems of overweightness and obesity in today's America. The one I liked the most was the scrabble letters. What would of made the letters stick out more is probably a desaturated background and only showing the letters in color. I'm just saying, maybe it looks better all colored. I wouldnt know.

    P.S. You took a picture of the McDonalds behind my house 8D hehe.

  9. Hannah-You go girl! lol. You really took the time to think this project through. This is evident in the many perspectives and interpretations you not only chose to shoot, but also in your commentary compositions. The artificial yellow/orange tones in your photos really create a gross feeling when you look at the fast food images.

    I especially like the scrabble one. Perhaps what you can do is shoot it again from an aerial/bird's view and then incorporate the fast food grid ones into the negative scrabble spaces. That would kind of resolve the grid comments mentioned above as well as tie everything together. What do you think? (I'm just thinking display-wise for art show)
