Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Abi's social commentary: eating disorders

For my social commentary I chose eating disorders. I decided that I wanted to show the average day of a girl with an eating disorder. In my pictures I made a story showing the start of her day with a 100 calorie pack that she would later just throw away. Then she goes to the bathroom to look at herself and be upset. I used to have an eating disorder and this is one of the things I want people to be aware of. I am extremely passionate about sharing my story so that I can encourage other girls and possibly even stop a girl from having one. Eating disorders is a really hard habit to get through, but it's even harder to get out of. 


  1. 1) This is a really cool sequence and really brings eating disorders to attention.

    2) This isn't nessisarily (sp?) something you see every day, because people tend to keep it a secret. But its a real issue and is a good awareness reminder.

    3) The whole sequence idea is really cool. The color emphasis on the first two looks really good. I think that keeping the rest black and white would help keep the pictures more serious and portray more feeling. Instead of focusing on the color in the bracelet/etc, the viewer could focus more on the feeling of the model.

  2. You captured this issue in such a creative and poignant way. I love how you selected the wristband and Mickey Mouse as the only coloful items in the prints. I'm not exacly sure what they emphasize, but the wrist band, I feel, links the viewer with the subject in the print, and Mickey adds a kind of twisted, ironic touch to the whole scene. Here's this lovable character beaming at you as you're falling apart. Your prints evoked a serious, yet satirical emotion that I think helped portray the problem of eating disorders.

  3. i love how you mangaged to do this project but never show the face. it keeps it annonmyous and its able to speak to more generally about society without seeing who the person is.

    i like how you did the whole black&white pop of color effect. often i think it can come off as cheesy but it fits perfectly for the project just focusing on the unwanted things.

  4. i really like how you told a story with the photographs. my favorite are the first two because i like how you focused them. one idea would be to have all the background items in black and white. it still looks good but i think it takes away from the main idea behind your project.

  5. I like how the photos show you the suffering of eating disorders. I don't understand why mickey mouse is emphasized but I think they are still sweeeeet.

  6. Abi,
    I like how you take a standing with this project and how it specifically connects to you in a way. I like the consistancy of the photos with the black and white and the main same color sticking out in the photo. I also like how its a story line as well. :3 keep up the good job. See you monday.
