Thursday, March 10, 2011

Hello Studio Photographers :)

I've been browsing through some of the recent projects and I have to say that these look pretty impressive for high school students.  I plan on going through and commenting more this weekend.  My only overall suggestion is that you revise your reflection/summary/statement about your work.  Also, I highly encourage you to comment on one another's work.  I created a superstudio blog so you can see everyone's work.  Although many artists often get caught up in their own world and ideas, remember that it is important to give and receive feedback on your work.  What you post now is not the end of your work.  You know that you can always make adjustments and resubmit.  Often times what we think we are portraying based on a plan in our head is not exactly what is being communicated or portrayed through the work.  Try to be comfortable sharing and commenting.  This should be a safe, respectful environment where we can gain multiple perspectives.  This will lead to a deeper and more meaningful understanding of your own artistic journey as well as help you gain an appreciation of other styles of photography. Monday:
Comment or reflect on 5 people.  Make it meaningful and insightful. Be honest and tactful. 
1) Reflect/how it made you feel
2) Make a connection/reminds you of/etc.
3) Areas of strength & suggestion for improvement/what if you...

I have also included a link where your photographs can help feed the hungry.  Check it out:

For each breakfast photo a user uploads to the Web site
the Kellogg Company will donate a breakfast to a child who might otherwise go without. The project is part of a national advertising campaign for Kellogg called Share Your Breakfast, which will support National Breakfast Day on Tuesday.

Period 2:
Remind Haley T, she owes $6 and to get off tumblr and tell Judith (since she probably won't check this-lol) she owes $4 and today is the last day to register for the AP Portfolio and to talk to Mr. Cekay if she is still planning on doing it.

Period 5:
Tell Zain if he does not have homework, can he mix darkroom chemicals? Darkroom keys are in the binder on my desk.

Good luck and help the 2s!  Keep the peace and NO DRAMA please ;)

Please make sure all studio lights and flash trigger are off. 

Have a great weekend!
Mrs. G

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