Wednesday, March 9, 2011

EShawful's Social Commentary

I really liked this project because of the story I could tell through photography. My theme was "Child Perfection", you see this on TV a lot and you have probably heard about it. As younger kids watch television they see these supermodels that are perfect in every way and they don't understand that most of that is the computer.

I chose my sister to be the main focus because she is a TV addict and she tends to watch those shows and they have a direct effect on her. She has hundreds of clothes and a myriad outfits. Even though she is only 7 she wakes up at the same time I do in order to get her hair done and make sure she is looking perfect for school.

My favorite photo is by far the last one (One on the bottom of the post) because of the colors and the way she is looking at the clothes and stickies almost as though they are more important than anything.

I also like the one where she is looking in the mirror because she is out of focus showing that her main objective is the stickies and what they say not the person behind them.

My final presentation is going to be the one on top (Picture directly below text) printed out on high gloss paper and I'm going to place actual stickie notes on the photo adding a 3D texture and emphasizing the importance of what other people see.


  1. I really like how this project turned out though if I would to changed something I really wish I could bring more colors into the mirror picture. Throughout the photos I tried to make it almost as though the stickies are staining the picture adding color and drawing attention. In the mirror picture the effect isn't that drastic and noticable.

  2. EVAN! i think this project turned out sooo good! i love concepts that are about peoples ideas fancified views of perfection. i think you managed to capture it with you sister-you can see the longing in how she wants her image to appear. the mirror shot is my favorite, its the most simple and it shows the concept perfect.

  3. evan! i really like how it turned out. the first one is my favorite because of the way it all comes together. my little sisters wake up way earlier than they need to so they are ready and its crazy. my suggestion would be to maybe blend in the color difference between the postits and the background.

  4. Eshawful. I think your project turned out really well. I like the post it note idea but one change I would make would be to have the background of the photo to blend more instead of the post it notes just having their own background. Great Job WEShawful.

  5. Evan,
    I've always been jelous of your artistic genious <.<
    Anyways, I like how you potrayed how today's youth is effected by what they see either on tv, or magazines or what ever. theres nothing really I can think of to improve any of these photos. They're all well done. Good job.
