Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Anna's Social Commentary (Help Me Pick My Best Ones)








My social commentary was on how society views teens/stereotypes of teens. I chose a few negative words (broken, reckless, apathetic,etc.) that I think society often uses to define teenagers and had my subjects pose accordingly. For example, "apathetic" shows a girl throwing her trash on the ground, right next to the garbage can, and just walking away; "reckless" shows a girl about to drop the sign over an edge. How society views teenagers can greatly impact how they view themselves, and that is the message that I wanted my viewers to get. Words hold a great power over us, even though they aren't something tangible. Every day we have to choose which ones we listen to, act upon, and use ourselves. You can't let impressions, judgements, or mere words define you. As my last picture shows, teens are more than the stereotypes make them out to be.


  1. 1) This was a really interesting topic, I haven't seen it before and I think its a really cool concept!

    2) This is really relatable, because we're all teenagers here. :)

    3) My favorites are the 1st and 2nd. I think the words are a good focal point, and maybe lowering the saturation of some of the pictures would bring more focus on the words instead of the color.

  2. Anna--
    I think what you portrayed in your photographs is true for teenagers. You chose a really deep topic that everyone on this blog can relate to.
    I really like "Reckless" and "Apathetic". I would suggest trying to blend the text into the photo more. Make people take a second look at your photographs to find them. Otherwise, great job!

  3. Anna,
    Your concept is great, and I like it, showing true natures of some teenagers. What I suggest is with this type of image you want to potray, One thing I'd say is, get rid of the computerized text and stick with the signs or take some pencil eyeliner and write on the faces. For reckless maybe something show more emotion, more of a reckless behavior. Other then that, I enjoy all your pictures.
    See you monday <3


  4. 1) I really like the way you portrayed your idea in your pictures. Also I think the words your chose were perfect for how people see teens.
    2) I like that you connected this to something you know since you are a teen.
    3) I really liked that all your pictures had a some variety and yet they all were connected because of the signs. Maybe next time try using more angles to get some shots that may make it even more interesting.
