Monday, April 30, 2012

Studio2 Mackenzie Mason HDR

Alright, so I know these pictures are ugly but whatever. I made them really quick and the whole HDR thing just didn't want to work for me. So first of all I merged the pictures and then changed it to 8-bit. I had then duplicated the layer and used curves to adjust the brightness and contrast. For the flower picture I added a vignette and cropped the picture.

Art show board

Art show board - Kara Lawrence

Day 67 April 30

Those of you that did not turn in a photo with your display lay out (due Last Friday) will not have guarenteed space at Art Show.

However, you can still turn it in for partial points.

Your CD Labels were & EC Experimentals were due due Last Friday-submit for partial points.

LABELS ALL STUDIO due tomorrow:
Making labels & Attaching to work.
Series can have one title.
Only Seniors will have a large name label.
Others that have work to fill at least 1 board (those who turned in their layout Friday) can print a small statement describing their photographs.

When all your work is labeled and ready to hang:
Wrap in White Butcher Block Paper.
Label outside with Sharpie:
  • SENIOR, Junior, Soph, Frosh
  • Name, Period
  • Class (Photo Studio 1, 2, 3,etc.)
  • Attach copy of display (not my copy).
Due Wednesday:
Print Xchange Info-this is a grade for those of you I have listed. I need you to copy the template & put your own  pictures in. Save & Copy and Paste into the DropBox by Wednesday.

Senior Studios: No Shoot, Sketchbook & Experimental Printing

All other: Last Shoot due Wednesday, May 9 50 shots.

Due Friday, May 11: CD Labels Printed

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Day 66 April 27

Studio 1: Choice Proof due LATE (from Monday) (final photog proof is you are a senior)

Labels for art work.

Extra time:
  • Was here tomorrow at 6AM
  • Here until 4PM-NO LATER.
Both printers are working.

Monday & Tuesday is label & title days.

ALL Seniors: CD Label Printed by Friday (4-27)  & any EC experimentals. tomorrow

E.C. Tutorials in Studio 1 EC folder
Remember to post a before/after with a reflection of the tutorial
  • Anna's Comic Book
  • Claire Texture Mapping
  • Kelsey Fill a Photo
  • Megan's Tutorial
All Prints for Art Show due TODAY, April 27 including picture of your layout on the art board.
2 copies

Print Xchange Info-this is a grade for those of you I have listed. I need these printed by ASAP.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Day 62 April 23

After school until 3:30 today.

College Church Prints given to me, Ms. Daly
3 periods left before art show :/

Studio 1: Choice Proof due today (final photog proof is you are a senior)

ALL Seniors: CD Label Printed by Friday (4-27)  & any EC experimentals.

E.C. Tutorials in Studio 1 EC folder
Remember to post a before/after with a reflection of the tutorial
  • Anna's Comic Book
  • Claire Texture Mapping
  • Kelsey Fill a Photo
  • Megan's Tutorial
All Prints for Art Show due Friday, April 27 including picture of your layout on the art board.

Studio 2 & Up

Next 50 shots due Monday, April 23
Seniors: Final Project Shoot 1st
Everyone else: Choice Shoot-your hearts content

Print Xchange Info-this is a grade for those of you I have listed. I need these printed by ASAP.

Sunday, April 22, 2012


so here's my video from the field trip...

Ben Hansberger EC I

wow, great tutorial. i chose a picture with a really cool sunspot for this tutorial because i almost always shoot with a sun shade, and i forgot to put it on this time, and that is a legit sun spot. I thought since it was made up of separated colors, as i changed the curves, colors would become darker or lighter in the sun spot. it worked! it was kinda of like a road map to cross processing.


Could not get my HDR to upload so here they are! for this project i shoot with bracketing and shot areas with a very long depth of field, with objects at various levels, and lots of texture. i really like this effect! but it takes to long to be useful if you use the school computers, so i did the whole thing at home. the remarkable composition and vividness of HDR frankly blew my mind. I expiramented with different focuses and range distance between the camera and the object, these are what i found worked best. I would say that you don't need a tripod, but do need a solid surface to rest your camera on to shoot
HDR. all in all, great effect!

Ben Hansberger

hunter, this is for you

Friday, April 20, 2012

Day 61 April 20

After school until 3:30 today.
I am also demonstrating Sepia toning if you would like to join us.

Studio 1: Traveling Object (at least 9 pictures, crop for composition-not all from same distance)
               edit consistently
               due TODAYwith summary

ALL Seniors: CD Label Printed by Friday & any EC experimentals.

2nd set is due TODAY(5 shots) with a summary
Studio 2:  Power Place/Choice and HDR (post before & after)
Studio 3: Art History & Word/Tree/Choice

E.C. Tutorials in Studio 1 EC folder
Remember to post a before/after with a reflection of the tutorial
  • Anna's Comic Book
  • Claire Texture Mapping
  • Kelsey Fill a Photo
  • Megan's Tutorial
All Prints for Art Show due Friday, April 27 including picture of your layout on the art board.

Next 50 shots due Monday, April 23
Seniors: Final Project Shoot 1st
Everyone else: Choice Shoot-your hearts content

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Megan Jones Studio 4 Blank Canvas Project

This is my blank canvas series. These aren't completely done - they'll have paint or watercolors splattered on the finish product. I played around with the shadows/highlights, the brightness/contrast, and I desaturated everything because I wanted to make them look like drawings. I think the first and second one look somewhat like they were drawn, but the rest of them I think need some work before I print them.
I did want some input though - should I do this series of all portraits (like the first two), or of simple objects? I'm not sure what would look nicer, thanks! :)

Jessica troner Studio 1 Social Commentary RE-DO!!!!!

before 1

after 1

before 2

after 2

Before 3

after 3

Before 4

After 4
This is my new social commentary. It was about how children have all of these great sources of knowledge around them, but they don't take advantage of them.When I re-edited these I selected the books to make them more vibrant and so they would stand out more. I also used the dead zone tutorial on the girl, desaturated her, and used a lens blur on her. this was to make her look like she was slipping away into ignorance. Like she's not all there because she is not learning. The dead zone tutorial used masking and transforming a single row of pixels which was selected by the single column marquee tool. I think this editing gets my point across better than the dull way I edited my pictures before. The sleeping picture replaced the TV one because I think it made the series more cohesive.

Kelsey Lewandowski Studio 3 Art Project

These pictures were based on the painting "Christina's world" I decided to take Haley and have her pose like the girl did in the painting. I decided to add filters to create a more watercolor looking picture. I increased the brightness and contrast to give it a more artsy look. I also used different blending modes to show the different layers of the picture. I really liked how they turned out!

Caitlyn Van Peenen Studio 1 EC texture map



I think this is a really cool tutorial that was pretty easy to follow. This is one that I might use again later on.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Becca Zeldenrust Studio 1 EC- comic book

I did the comic book effect. It wasn't really my favorite thing in the world because I don't think I'll ever use it. However, the tutorial was simple and easy to follow :)

Day 59 April 18


Yearbook after school.

Studio 1: Traveling Object (at least 9 pictures, crop for composition-not all from same distance)
               edit consistently
               due Friday, April 20 with summary

ALL Seniors: CD Label Printed by Friday & any EC experimentals.   

2nd set is due Friday(5 shots) with a summary
Studio 2:  Power Place/Choice and HDR (post before & after)
Studio 3: Art History & Word/Tree/Choice

E.C. Tutorials in Studio 1 EC folder
Remember to post a before/after with a reflection of the tutorial
  • Anna's Comic Book
  • Claire Texture Mapping
  • Kelsey Fill a Photo
  • Megan's Tutorial
All Prints for Art Show due Friday, April 27 including picture of your layout on the art board.

Next 50 shots due Monday, April 23
Seniors: Final Project Shoot 1st
Everyone else: Choice Shoot-your hearts content

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Abi's choice project

For my choice project I wanted to try something different. I was trying to think of something non-traditional and so this isn't the 100% finished product. I want to do something that was like Ian's tree picture last year when he had the bark continuing down the matte board. Expect I am keeping mine on the actual picture. I'm going to name this series Escaping Reality and it'll be because one or two of the objects in the pictures will actually be glued on top of where it is in the picture so that it is like it's popping out of the image. I decided also to edit the pictures that I wanted to use the movie effect. I lowered the SATURATION and then I had to adjust the EXPOSURE to make it darker. I then added a LENS BLUR and then revealed what I wanted to emphasize. I also had to add NOISE and then I BURNED the edges to make a nicer effect. Then with the addition of the bars on the top and bottom I get a movie effect.

Jessica Stroner Studio 1 EC IV

This tutorial was a little hard to follow at first but once you realized what was going on, it was fine! I think this and the crossprocessing tutorial are the most useful 

Tiny Town Mary and Comic Book Effect

I liked this tutorial.  Although I may not do it again, I found the tutorial easy to follow! Cool concept

This tutorial was a little longer and a bit more confusing, but I like the way it turned out!

Jessica Stroner Studio 1 EC III

This tutorial was also cool! I filled the musician with flowers and I filled the street with some birds.

alphabet proof

Jessica Stroner Studio 1 EC II

This tutorial makes pictures looks really cool! I would totally use this in the future! :)

Jessica Stroner Studio 1 EC I

This tutorial was super easy but I don't think it really looks like a comic book. It looks cool, but I don't think I will use this again