Monday, April 30, 2012

Day 67 April 30

Those of you that did not turn in a photo with your display lay out (due Last Friday) will not have guarenteed space at Art Show.

However, you can still turn it in for partial points.

Your CD Labels were & EC Experimentals were due due Last Friday-submit for partial points.

LABELS ALL STUDIO due tomorrow:
Making labels & Attaching to work.
Series can have one title.
Only Seniors will have a large name label.
Others that have work to fill at least 1 board (those who turned in their layout Friday) can print a small statement describing their photographs.

When all your work is labeled and ready to hang:
Wrap in White Butcher Block Paper.
Label outside with Sharpie:
  • SENIOR, Junior, Soph, Frosh
  • Name, Period
  • Class (Photo Studio 1, 2, 3,etc.)
  • Attach copy of display (not my copy).
Due Wednesday:
Print Xchange Info-this is a grade for those of you I have listed. I need you to copy the template & put your own  pictures in. Save & Copy and Paste into the DropBox by Wednesday.

Senior Studios: No Shoot, Sketchbook & Experimental Printing

All other: Last Shoot due Wednesday, May 9 50 shots.

Due Friday, May 11: CD Labels Printed

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