Monday, April 23, 2012

Day 62 April 23

After school until 3:30 today.

College Church Prints given to me, Ms. Daly
3 periods left before art show :/

Studio 1: Choice Proof due today (final photog proof is you are a senior)

ALL Seniors: CD Label Printed by Friday (4-27)  & any EC experimentals.

E.C. Tutorials in Studio 1 EC folder
Remember to post a before/after with a reflection of the tutorial
  • Anna's Comic Book
  • Claire Texture Mapping
  • Kelsey Fill a Photo
  • Megan's Tutorial
All Prints for Art Show due Friday, April 27 including picture of your layout on the art board.

Studio 2 & Up

Next 50 shots due Monday, April 23
Seniors: Final Project Shoot 1st
Everyone else: Choice Shoot-your hearts content

Print Xchange Info-this is a grade for those of you I have listed. I need these printed by ASAP.

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