Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Studio2 Mackenzie Mason Power of Place

For this project I had taken pictures of a lot of plants that remind me of my childhood, except for one (number 4), which is a picture of my favorite stuffed animal's tongue that I cut when I was like four or five because I wanted to see if scissors could cut fabric. It could. The very last picture is a root of this weed that grows by my house that my brother told me it was called a "white carrot". No, I never ate one. And the first three are pictures of weeds that are flowers that I always loved when I was little and would pick all the time.
Ok! So for the editting of these pictures I mainly started off by cropping a few of the pictures to increase the composition. Then I used curves to adjust the brightness and contrast as always. I then color burned a few of the pictures (using a mask to not color burn certain areas) to get desired colors and such. That was pretty much it except for a few extra touches that I added to some of them with the burn/dodge tool and adding vignettes.


  1. I really like the texture of the roots and dirt in the final picture. Its very cool!

  2. Picture 1: I really like this one. It looks like it has a mouth and the blades of grass look like they're reaching toward the camera.

    Picture 2: I like how you **BLURRED** around the flower and some other parts are really in focus to bring emphasis to the vein-y part of the flower.

    Picture 3: Lovin' the **CONTRAST** between the flower and background.

    Picture 4: Not 100% sure what it is I like about this picture. It's really different from your other stuff but it's also got a really soft look about it.

    Picture 5: I like how well the light hits the roots. Not gonna lie, the blur on this picture makes the dirt on the roots look kinda like a tiny town...

  3. I really like the color and TEXTURE in all of these photos
