Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Choice.. again.

So this is my second choice project- I uploaded these as well because I only had three of my sunset pictures. I actually have a sixth picture for this series but blogger only lets you upload five at a time. The pictures were acctually an accident! But I really liked how they came out so I kept them. I was shooting in the studio and the lighting was off and as paul moved it created ghost images almost like the multiplicity project. I like the eerie, dream-like feel they give off. So editing wise I cropped a few for better composition. I also turned up the contrast a bit. I then used the "poop" or patch tool to edit some black spots that turned out on the photos.


  1. These are really cool! The only thing I would change is like the COLOR, but that's only because I like cooler colors. Anyhow, I think it's awesome!

  2. I don't think I would change the colors because purple and orange are opposite on the color wheel so I feel it brings more **DEPTH** to the photo.
