Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Abi's comments

Maddy(feet traveling object) -I think this was a really creative idea for your traveling object! I like that you chose something that we actually use to travel! I like that you made a lot of the pictures different directions so that the feet didn't all point the same way. Maybe instead or having all the feet a bird's eye view you could try a worm's view or like do the side or bottoms of your feet. But I really like this idea, good job!
Mackenzie(wooden man traveling object) -I really like how you used lots of different angles and I love that you used some non-traditional things like the unfocused on in the middle on the top and the reflection through the glass. Those are really cool! Maybe next time you should try and not put the biggest picture right in the middle because my eye is automatically goes to that picture and it takes away from all your other pictures. So maybe making sure that you don’t have all the attention in one spot next time will be better. But great job, I really like it!
Pip(depression story) -Pip, I think it was really brave of you to pick something like this, kudos. I really like that you were able to use the contrasts of black and white to help get the feeling of depression more depth. Maybe next time though you could start the story off with some color and show how maybe the color is drawn out of her life and she becomes more depressed and make it get darker as she goes. That way you get some more variety and it will make more of an emphasis on the actual story. Great job though!
Keely(power of place) - I really like this idea! This was a really creative way to show us how these places have memories/importance for you. I like that you didn’t scan the pictures you actually held them up in front of where they originally were. Maybe next time you could edit the pictures that were the “today” pictures so that they kind of had the same like vintage-y look or feel. Or possibly even done like a movie effect to give it more depth and emotion. But overall, great job! I love it!
Paul(power of place) - I like how you edited your pictures Paul. They have great contrast and emotion in all of them. They seem empty and the contrast with the original pictures is really cool. I also like that you didn’t take the picture in the exact same place as the original just to show how much things had changed. Maybe next time you could keep the original pictures on the left and the “today” picture on the right so that we naturally look left to right and see how it has changed since then. But otherwise I think you did an awesome job.

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