Tuesday, September 27, 2011

paul's comments

Sean (Close Up Project):  Sean I really liked your close up project of all the metal pieces. I liked how you showed a lot of detail in the photos. I also liked how you had good dept of field and good contrast.
I think it turned out really well with the macro lens and I think shooting it in black and white looked really artsy.

Pip (Depression Story) : Pip, I really liked how your project turned out. I don't think I could take a picture of someone being depressed and I think you showed that really really well. I think it would of looked a little better with some color to it though. Also if you showed why the girl was so depressed, that could of helped people follow the story a little bit better. Other then that I think you did a great job.

Nina ( Travailing Object): Nina I really liked your travailing object. I liked how it was a transparent object so that light would come through. I also liked the contrast and colors in it. It looked very nice in nature like in the grass and by the flowers. it kind of showed how it belonged there. I enjoyed this project a lot.

Haley ( Travailing Object): Haley your project was interesting but I enjoyed it. I loved the different angles you had for the photos. the best part of this project was that you can set up the guy in different ways. I liked the poses he you made him make and I think you could of thought of way more things to do with it. I would say if you to a well known place like for example New York, you should do it again with this object cause i think that could be really cool.  

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