Friday, September 23, 2011


Megan Jones: What I like - I love how the glossiness of the fabric can really make the jewlery pop. What might work a little better - if some of the pictures were a little darker? It might make the jewlery pop more if some places were burned.

Xander Martin: What I like - how original some of the places were that your object traveled. What might work a little better - spreading apart the pictures of the dogs. And the edge of the mailbox I thought was one of your separating lines and I looked at the doorbell for like five minutes trying to find the bait. Ha.

Pauly G: What I like - I straight up love the editing on some of your photos. They're really eye catching. What might work a little better - if the pictures seemed to go together more. Like more of a common theme?

Keely Walker: What I like - Mary Feltes. Just kidding but not really. I love how soft and creamy the lighting is in some of them. What might work a little better is if the first and last ones fit in with the middle three? Like went together a little more? Individually they're ridiculously beautiful. Like Mary. Ha.

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