Monday, September 26, 2011


Maddy: Loved all the different colors in your picture. It really made each one stand out. I also really like that they are all different sizes it makes the picture more interesting. I wish I had done that with my traveling object. One picture on the bottom you can't really tell those are feet you could have edited it differently but other than that great photo!

Klew: I love the idea of this. It turned out so cool. I love the timeline and the text in the background. I just would have liked to see a little more color but the whole concept of your photo is great. Very artsy and I'm sure all the time you spent on it is worth it now!

Megan: I liked all you different jewelry. I like how you edited the pictures to go along with the vintage jewelry. The only thing I would have liked to see would be maybe not the same background every time. I liked all of the angles you did as well.

Paul: I liked how you did the old and new theme. Some of your photos were edited to make the picture look kind of scary so you can't tell as much that this place mean a lot to you. I also really liked the before and after pictures it makes me see you actually in the house having fun.

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