Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Traveling Object- Shoes (Jtrowe)

Where my shoes take me is my traveling object project. I could of done so many different objects to travel to random spots but i thought that I should really think of what I should travel around with and I chosed what thing ment he most to me and that are my running shoes. Running is a way of life for me and I have ran in many different places and am friends with different people that I have met in this journey. In this picture i combined many different pictures together to get the one. The one in the right hand top corner is my gym shoes on the Northside brige and that has value to me since that is where I love to run. The one below that is my best friends shoes and mine next together because we always have eachothers back and we are always together. The one under that is me and my Boyfriends shoes and we usually would sit on the bench outside on the porch together and since he means alot to me i included that picture in there. The rest are at north side as well and its different spots around the park that really had meaning to me since i grew up in that park and still am! Fopr the pictues themselves, I really emphasized on making the picture more vibrant and satuarted. I wanted them to have that look because it would make the color stand out and the colors look more seperated than all mushed and 'blahed' together. I also gave the pictures a photo filter of either a warming effect or a cooling effect. I also made sure that each picture was not the same size either because then for me at least it would of had a very consitant look, and that was not what i was aiming for. I really love how they turned out with the effects I gave them. I finished the picture with a black semi thick boarder around them to hug all the pictures together and bring them together. ---Jaclyn Rowe

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