Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Maddy- I really like how you shot your own feet. I mean lots of people try to shoot photos like that, but the fact that you made it your traveling object changes it to make it more meaningful. The only critique I have is that the one black and white photo is kind of out of place, since the others are all color. If you re-edit, consider changing a few more to B&W to mix it up a little.

Mackenzie- I like the good mix of B&W and color in your traveling object. The bokeh shot at the top is my favorite I think, because it kind of ties it together. The only thing I would change is the middle and right photos of the middle section. They are both shot from pretty much the same angle and since they are right next to each other it is kind of repetetive. Consider switiching the location of one of these photos in the layout since they are right next to each other.

Mengan- Your photos are a little girly for my taste hahaha. Thats really my only critique; I think they turned out pretty classy. I like how you thought to use the silk background to enhance the classiness of the jewelry. I think that your photos would have also doubled as a sick ad project. If I was a woman, I would be inspired to wear that jewelry.

Paul- I dig the photos brO. I like the layout you did with comparing the old photos with the new, contrasting the old happier photos with the more desolate looking ones, now that the house is empty. It made me a little sad. My only complaint is that I didnt think the one B&W photo didnt really fit in, since all the rest were color. I liked your use of vignettes though.

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