Friday, September 23, 2011

/ critiques

Megan Jones (close up): Hi Megan (: I really like your jewerly pictures. I really like the the pink satin background that you used. I highlights the jewerly really well and makes it pop. I like some of the angles you used, but I feel like their were some better angles you could have used. All in all, your photos are great! yay megan!
Xander Martin (Traveling object): Wuddup Xanderrrr! You have some really good photgraphs in your traveling object. I think that you could have re-arranged your pictures to make a stronger photography as a whole. But good job
Paullllllllllllieeeeeee:D (Power of Place): Hi Paul! So your power of place is still being edited- so it could change. But as of right now you have a really cool idea! I feel like you just need to use different filters.
Nina Antonik (Traveling object): HEYYY NINA! So, I helped you a lot with your traveling object. I feel like you should have made your favorite hummingbird picture bigger and in the upper left-hand corner.... but... no you didn't (: But you have some really amazing pictures in this project. Goooood job dude!

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