Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Ian's Comments

Mackenzie: Your idea to use your grandpas little farmer man was cool. I really like the way you edit them. It made the mood a bit dark and gloomy, but it’s strange because the thing is still smiling. The angles you used were cool because it made it look large or just distorted. Good job!

Maddy: I really liked hearing about your project before I even saw it. I thought it was going to look weird and many of the pictures being the same. But you did a really great job using different backgrounds/floors for the pics. Very creative and I like the edits.

Pip: I liked you idea for the “depression Story”. It was very creative. Some of the pictures are a little hard to make out because the color or contrast. But other than that, great idea. Oh, and I like the different camera angles.

Xanda Panda: I really like the feeling the picture gives off. Most of the photos in it are bright and fun. Like the ones of your pets and the basketball. I do have to agree with most people, the photo in the top left corner, I thought it was two different ones at first and couldn’t find the worm, but after you explained it, I could see it and it was all good. Nice job

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