Friday, September 23, 2011


Xander Martin - Traveling Object
I really like the color of your particular object and how you used it against a couple of different neutral backgrounds, but in your top left-hand corner picture I can't see your traveling object at all and it's really hard to see in the bottom left-hand corner as well. I would also suggest maybe toning down the saturation or completley taking out the saturation of a couple of pictures because there is so much color it's hard to get a good distinction between each picture.

Jacky Rowe - Traveling Object
I really love the shoes as your traveling object, especially the contrast between the running shoes and the beat-up converse. You have a good variety of angles, but a lot of your pictures have lots of green in them and makes the distinction between some less obvious. The big picture of the shoes lined up on a railing in the right hand column is good with the difference in saturation and coloring, but I think you might need to de-saturate or lessen the saturation of another picture.

Nina Antonik -Traveling Object
I love the dimensions of the glass bird and how much you placed it in pictures with a lot of color. Your lighting choices are also really good, but makes seeing the whole shape of a bird hard to see sometimes. For example, the picture in the top right-hand corner, and the middle picture in the left-hand column. You could try playing with saturation to hopefully fix this.

Jackie Logan - Power of Place
I really like how you put your pictures on a map of the university campus, it's a really creative and different idea and it really helps convey the point of your piece. All the pictures on the left-hand half are nicely placed and clearly visible, but the pictures on the left-hand half are hard to determine the differences between because though I understand the coloring of the pictures, they're all kind of smushed together. Maybe try just putting more space between them or changing the angles or something so you can tell what all of them distinctly are.

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