Friday, September 23, 2011

My Reviews (Jtayrowe)

MEGAN JONES: EXTREME CLOSE UP--> I really love the color in these pictures. It has a very soft feel and a vintage feel as well. If i had to change anything to the pictures it would be to maybe get even closer to some. They look great but they all look the same with no difference in close up's. But they look fabulous though!

KEELY WALKER: POWER OF PLACE--> I love the theme of this one. It is so neat how you took the picture of the orginal picture and then you took a picture of what that picture was taken of in current time. It looks very neat! If i had to change one thing about the pictures would have been the first one. I would have personally taken a centered picture of the orginal one so be simular to the others in the serise. Aside from that they look fabulous!

NINA ANTONIK: TRAVELING OBJECT--> The theme of this project is a great theme! I really love the glass bird. My favorite picture of the serise has to be either the one in the top left corner or the one in the bottom left! the look great. But if i had to chnge one thing about the pictures i would probably put more contrast and saturation for some. The look good, but more oclor could never hurt. Aside from that, amazing pictures!

BEN HANSBERGER: TRAVELING OBJECT--> Very intresting idea for the traveling object. I would never of thought of using a warthog skull. I love how the theme is death and its related to all the pictures. The only thing i would have changed would be that one really bright one in the left hand corner probably would need to be darkend because if the theme is death when i see that one it makes me think life with a warthog skull. Also the one in the top center it also is not the same 'theme' as the others in the serise. Even though those pictures contridict the theme of the project, it still as a whole looks great!

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